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Pasture Raised Turkey in Greenpoint

a bowl of salad

November 1st, 2023

Where can you buy Pasture-Raised Turkey in Greenpoint Brooklyn, and why should you pay more for Pasture-Raised Turkey This Thanksgiving?

So, What Does Pasture-Raised Mean Anyway?

At its core, "pasture raised" means that animals are raised in a way that allows them access to open pasture and natural environments, enabling them to graze, forage, and engage in natural behaviors. The key characteristics of pasture raised systems include:

Access to Open Pasture: Animals are not confined to small cages or indoor facilities. Instead, they have access to spacious, outdoor areas where they can roam freely.

Grass and Forage Diet: Animals primarily graze on grass, forage, and other vegetation, which is a more natural and healthier diet for them compared to grain-based diets.

Natural Behaviors: Pasture-raised animals are encouraged to express their natural behaviors, whether it's scratching the ground, rooting, dust-bathing, or socializing with their herd or flock.

Animal Welfare: This approach places a strong emphasis on animal welfare, ensuring that the animals are raised in a low-stress, humane environment.

So Why Should I Pay More for Pasture Raised Turkey vs Frozen Turkey at the Supermarket?

When it comes to selecting the centerpiece of your holiday feast or a delicious meal any time of the year, the choice between pasture raised turkey and frozen turkey is more than a mere culinary decision. It can impact your health, the welfare of the animal, and the environment. Here's why you should consider pasture raised turkey over its frozen counterpart:

1. Superior Flavor and Texture:
Pasture Raised Turkey: These birds enjoy a natural diet, foraging on grass and insects, which imparts a richer, more complex flavor to the meat. The result is tender, succulent meat that's often described as "the way turkey should taste."

Frozen Turkey: While frozen turkeys are convenient and readily available, their flavor and texture may not compare to pasture raised birds. The freezing process can sometimes compromise the quality of the meat.

2. Ethical Animal Welfare:
Pasture Raised Turkey: Birds raised in pasture systems have the freedom to roam and engage in natural behaviors. They live in more humane conditions, free from overcrowding and stress.

Frozen Turkey: Conventional turkey farming can involve overcrowded indoor facilities, which may raise concerns about animal welfare. Pasture raised turkeys provide a more ethical choice for those concerned about the treatment of animals.

3. Nutritional Quality:
Pasture Raised Turkey: The natural diet of pasture raised turkeys, including grasses and forage, tends to result in meat that is higher in essential nutrients. You'll find more vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats in pasture raised turkey.
Frozen Turkey: While frozen turkeys can still be nutritious, pasture raised turkeys often offer superior nutritional quality due to their diet and more active lifestyle.

4. Environmental Sustainability:
Pasture Raised Turkey: Pasture-based systems tend to be more environmentally friendly. They promote healthier soil, reduce the need for chemical inputs, and can even help sequester carbon through improved land management.
Frozen Turkey: The production and distribution of frozen turkeys can involve significant energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Opting for pasture raised turkey is a more sustainable choice for eco-conscious consumers.

5. Supporting Local Farms:
Pasture Raised Turkey: Purchasing pasture raised turkey often supports local and small-scale farmers who are committed to sustainable and ethical farming practices. You're not just buying a turkey; you're investing in your local community.
Frozen Turkey: While you can find frozen turkeys in most supermarkets, choosing pasture raised turkey often means supporting more responsible and sustainable farming practices.

In conclusion, the choice between pasture raised turkey and frozen turkey is about more than just the convenience of grabbing a bird from the freezer aisle. It's a choice that reflects your values and priorities, whether they involve animal welfare, flavor, nutritional quality, or sustainability. By opting for pasture raised turkey, you're not only treating your taste buds to a superior dining experience but also making a conscious decision to support humane and environmentally responsible food production.

Final Thoughts...

Here are some other pointers and why you should purchase pasture-raised turkeys from reputable stores: 

  • Some Supermarkets will purchase Turkeys many months in advance while the price is cheaper and sell them for a premium during Thanksgiving

  • Most of the time, Distributors and Wholesalers will sell months-old turkey that has been kept frozen to Supermarkets for a premium price

This is why we work directly with local farms, vendors, and meat processors at Jubilee Marketplace in Greenpoint to ensure we sell our customers the freshest and highest quality meat. 

Are you convinced yet? If you are, what are you waiting for? Taste the difference.

- We are also selling premade Thanksgiving sides made from scratch.
- Brined Pasture Raised Turkey
- Unbrined Pasture Raised Turkey